Здравствуйте, товарищи, которых пока нет на моем блоге! Я наконец создал его. С той целью, чтобы официально показать свои развернутые модели из игр, а в будущем и свои собственные модели. Я надеюсь продвигать блог, надеюсь, что смогу его развить. Пожелайте мне удачи! Надеюсь вам понравятся мои модели!
Hello, guys, who are not yet on my blog! I finally made it. My objective is show yours my unfolded models of the games (like Clone Wars Adventures and Assassin's Creed), in the future I plane to create my own models. I hope to promote a blog, hope to be able to develop it. Wish me luck! I hope you like my model!
Here are examples of my models:
General Grievous (TCW version)
Altair Ibn La-Ahad (coming soon)
Flamethroower clones (TCW)
Hello, guys, who are not yet on my blog! I finally made it. My objective is show yours my unfolded models of the games (like Clone Wars Adventures and Assassin's Creed), in the future I plane to create my own models. I hope to promote a blog, hope to be able to develop it. Wish me luck! I hope you like my model!
Here are examples of my models:
General Grievous (TCW version)
Altair Ibn La-Ahad (coming soon)
Flamethroower clones (TCW)